Jackmeow on Youtube

Hosted by Xiaobigjie (Youtube)

31 August 2014

New Collar

Since August 2014, Unfurry-cats has granted me yet another neck collar. A Pink one.

 ^ Old collar

 ^ Old collar that looked like a caterpillar

Disco babeh

Now tilt your head 90 degree to the left...

^ Disco babeh

Sleep Habits

Guess habits are hard to change huh...

^ August 2014 (looks like a horse (Hors))

^ January 2014

No Fish Given.

Unlike pigs, Cats, don't accept bribe

^ No means No
Do I look fat like this?

Yer know, sometimes cats can get tired too...

First Outdoor Trip

Its been awhile since I went outside for some fresh clean air (BJ: whut!)

^ Fluffy Fox-Tail

^ RAWRR naega TIGER!!

11 August 2014

Spray In The Litter Box?

If you ever been threatened and want to spray and mark territory but did it in the litter box instead you deserved to be showered with human love