Jackmeow on Youtube

Hosted by Xiaobigjie (Youtube)

31 May 2014


I bited and kicked, tossed and turned, but it was in vain.
Now, I can't feel the souls of my legs, I kept falling over on each sides, I can't even walk more than 3 steps...

I have a new litterbox!

After the Unfurry Cats change the litter sand, I immediately dive in to do my business for I have been resisting to do so the whole day...
I'm such a good Samaritan

20 May 2014

May 20 Jackmeow throwing a tantrum

Today, Big Unfurry Cat secured a PINK collar with a NOISY BELL on my neck! MY NECK!
I had to stay low and minimised movement or else the BELL will make noises! (BJ: You looked like a bunny :D If you don't keep chewing it off the Bell wouldn't make as much noise!)

Everywhere I ran the NOISY BELL will keep following me! I tried rolling around on every surface while staying low but, I am haunted by the NOISY BELL T.T
I can't even play fetch properly... (So that's why you are behaving better than usual hahaha)

So I purposely face away whenever the Unfurry-Cat holds up the Black-Noisy-Box (Camera. And...HOW DARE YOU SHOW YOUR ARSS AT ME CAMERA)

19 May 2014

May 19

I wanted to play, I stared into the room and tried my best to eye-contact the big unfurry cat, alas it was in vain...
After meeting up with Black & White Cat, I decided to sleep 4/5 of Unfurry Cat's bench instead.

10 May 2014

May 10

Sleeping with your tail in your face is like sleeping with your blanket in your face yer know?
It's makes you sleep faster, cuz the low oxygen concentration ....

06 May 2014

Jackmeow fell out!! 2014 0505

We heard meeeoooww after watching Ama-chan, then I saw the net was replaced, i knew he fell out. There were 4 blackies, jackmeow was easy to recognise. Mom was obviously worried, it was directly my fault for opening the windows, so a bit scolding was fine. Bro was the 1st to rush out, and he caught him with patients and bravery. I hope we all including jackmeow had learnt the lesson.