Jackmeow on Youtube

Hosted by Xiaobigjie (Youtube)

20 May 2014

May 20 Jackmeow throwing a tantrum

Today, Big Unfurry Cat secured a PINK collar with a NOISY BELL on my neck! MY NECK!
I had to stay low and minimised movement or else the BELL will make noises! (BJ: You looked like a bunny :D If you don't keep chewing it off the Bell wouldn't make as much noise!)

Everywhere I ran the NOISY BELL will keep following me! I tried rolling around on every surface while staying low but, I am haunted by the NOISY BELL T.T
I can't even play fetch properly... (So that's why you are behaving better than usual hahaha)

So I purposely face away whenever the Unfurry-Cat holds up the Black-Noisy-Box (Camera. And...HOW DARE YOU SHOW YOUR ARSS AT ME CAMERA)